Student Travel Policy

Iḷisaġvik College seeks to promote safe travel to events and activities occurring beyond the boundaries of College property by students and recognized student organizations.

Examples of activities and events that fall under this policy include, but are not limited to: College- sponsored events or activities, club sports trips, the activities of recognized student organizations, Student Government Association funded community service travel, and in situations where a student or recognized student organization officially represents the College, e.g., leadership academies, conferences, and other programs.

This policy does not apply to travel undertaken by individual students attending out of town athletic/recreational events as a non-participant (except when traveling on behalf or with the financial support of a recognized student organization as described above), engaging in internships, practicums, observations or research, or participating in intercollegiate athletics competitions under the auspices of the Student Services.

For more information, see the complete Student Travel Policy, Addendum 1.


A recognized student organization is one that has been formed for educational, professional, social, recreational or other lawful purposes, derives the majority of its membership and all of its leadership from the student body of Iḷisaġvik College. The organization has been approved for recognition by the departmental director or appropriate administrator, and maintains current registration status as such.

A College-sponsored event or activity is one that is initiated, actively managed, planned and arranged by a member of the College's faculty or staff, or by members of a recognized student organization that has been granted sponsorship by the College, and is approved by an appropriate administrator and/or an event or activity that the College actively manages, is involved with, or oversees financially, physically, or administratively.

An appropriate administrator is a Dean, departmental director, or Director of an administrative unit, or his or her authorized designee.

General Requirements

Students who are currently on academic or disciplinary probation, or who are on academic performance/behavioral contracts are not eligible for Student Travel opportunities.

All students approved for travel must complete and submit a Waiver, Release and Assumption of Risk Form to the Student Services Department no later than five (5) business days before the scheduled trip.

The name, address, and telephone number of the faculty/staff mentor to the recognized student or student organization must be submitted utilizing the appropriate form. Faculty/staff mentors also are required to maintain a copy of the appropriate form and discuss the Iḷisaġvik College Code of Student Conduct with the recognized student organization leader(s) organizing the trip. The student shall provide the faculty/staff mentor emergency contact information of the person who shall be notified in the event of an emergency.

Minor Travel Policy

Any minor child traveling to a college sponsored activity or event as a participant must abide by all rules set forth in both the Student Handbook, as well as the Travel Policy. Any refusal to abide by these expectations may result in immediate dismissal from the trip and loss of future travel opportunities.

For the purpose of this policy, a minor child is considered to be “affiliated” if they are actively enrolled in Iḷisaġvik College classes, or have been accepted to participate in one of Iḷisaġvik College’s Summer Camps, or college readiness/recruiting events. Minor children who are affiliated with Iḷisaġvik College may be permitted to travel with parental and presidential permission. All efforts will be made to ensure a chaperone of the same gender as the minor child will travel with and attend events with the minor child.

Any minor child who is not affiliated with Iḷisaġvik College will not be eligible to travel with any employee of Iḷisaġvik College to any college sponsored function as a participant.

Student Travel Guidelines

Participants in activities involving student travel are responsible for their own behavior and any resulting consequences. The College shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury or other consequence resulting from a participant's failure to comply with College rules and regulations, the direction of College employees, or applicable law.

Without limiting the foregoing, all trip participants are required to (a) comply with the standards set forth in the Iḷisaġvik College Code of Student Conduct and with applicable College policies, procedures, rules and regulations, understanding that such compliance is important to the success of the trip and to the College's willingness to permit future similar activities; and (b) conform their conduct to the standards surrounding the trip and assume responsibility for their own actions, understanding the circumstances of an off-campus activity may require a standard of decorum which may differ from that applicable on campus. Violations of the foregoing requirements may subject participants and sponsoring organizations to disciplinary action pursuant to the Student Handbook.

Students are responsible for obtaining all necessary travel documentation, including valid identification, passport, visa, and vaccines, if required. Students shall be responsible for all costs that are not funded by the College. Students are required to provide documentation for Travel Authorization close-out along with a final trip report within 10 working days upon return to Barrow.

Accident and Medical Insurance

The faculty, staff, and or administrator responsible for the trip shall communicate to the participants that the college does not provide medical insurance for any students participating in trips. All student participants shall be responsible for any medical costs they incur and or as a result of the trip.


All participants are required to engage in the planned activities of the trip. Unstructured time should be kept to a minimum to reduce the risks inherent in unsupervised activity. The sponsoring department or organization should keep a list of all participants involved in the trip.

Violations of these rules and regulations will result in the student being ineligible for travel privileges for at least one year, in addition to the disciplinary action normally taken while on campus. If students put themselves or others at risk during the travel they will be escorted by Iḷisaġvik staff to the airport to return to the College on the next available flight. Please see the “Policy Violation Procedures” section of this handbook for more information.