Addendum 1 - Student Travel Procedures

Student Travel Preparation

  1. Administrative
    1. A Travel Authorization (TA) form, with required signatures, including grants, if appropriate, must be completed by a representative of Student Services, Vocational Education/Workforce Development, or the appropriate department for each student traveling.
    2. Students must complete a travel progress report from the Student Services that is signed by the student’s instructors and the Dean of Students before any student travel is booked by the Travel Department.
    3. The Travel Department will complete ALL travel reservations for Ilisagvik students. This includes airfare, hotel, and/or conference registrations when applicable.
    4. Per Diem, travel allowances, and reimbursements, if applicable, stop the hour a student traveler interrupts official Iḷisaġvik travel for personal reasons and resumes the hour the student traveler resumes route of travel required by College business.
    5. If a student is traveling to Barrow and needs lodging in the college dorms, a background check must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the trip by the department initiating the TA. Once the background check is complete, the Dean of Student Services will determine if the student is eligible to stay in college housing.
    6. Iḷisaġvik College Alaska Airlines’ mileage will be used for airfare when it is more cost effective than purchasing the standard fare. This applies only to non-grant funded travel.
    7. A TA form is still required when a student is traveling as a representative of Iḷisaġvik College even when all travel arrangements and expenses including per diem are managed and handled by another organization.
    8. Waivers to any of the Travel Policies must occur with the support of the Dean of Student Services, Vocational Education/Workforce Development, or the appropriate department head and approved by the President.
  2. Air Travel
    1. Students are expected to be on time and/or ready to depart for the airport at the appropriate time designated by the Iḷisaġvik employee(s) who is in charge of the student trip.
    2. If a student misses a flight due to personal unjustified circumstances, the Dean of Student Services will be notified and make the determination whether or not to add the student to the “no fly list”.
    3. Baggage, when traveling on airlines that charge baggage fees will be covered by the Iḷisaġvik College chaperone who is accompanying the student(s). Excess baggage, unless warranted for the purpose of the trip will be paid for by the traveler. When traveling on Alaska Airlines and/or their partner airlines, please show your Alaskan Airline Mileage Plan card to avoid additional baggage charges.
  3. Lodging
    1. When available, contracted hotels will be used in Alaska.
    2. The most reasonable and cost effective hotels will be reserved.
    3. Upon booking, the Travel Coordinator faxes required credit card authorization form to the hotel incidentals are still the responsibility of the student traveler.
  4. Per Diem
    1. Per Diem calculations for student travel are determined by the individual department and may vary from employee travel rules based on travel considerations, cafeteria schedule and/or class schedule. Additionally, departments may provide per diem for a student’s time in Barrow and not for transit time if they so choose.
    2. Per Diem checks are issued no more than 2 days prior to travel. If travel is on the weekend or Monday, the per diem check is issued on Friday.
    3. Per Diem is not paid for supported village travel (where lodging prices include meals)

Cancellation Policy

If you need to cancel your trip after it is initially booked for any reason, you must contact the department representative who initiated the travel authorization as soon as possible to avoid any cancellation fees.

While on Your Trip

  1. Iḷisaġvik students are expected to attend all functions for which they are traveling. They are expected to take appropriate notes for their trip report so as to be prepared to share what they learned upon their return to campus. More details will be provided by the Iḷisaġvik employee(s) who are accompanying the students.
  2. Any travel related receipts must be kept to turn in with closeout TA. This includes all boarding passes.
  3. Iḷisaġvik College will pay for only reasonable and legitimate expenses which are incurred carrying out Iḷisaġvik business which is the purpose of the travel and may not reimburse expenses for the following specific items:
    1. car impoundment;
    2. lost vehicle, or room keys, and any locksmith fees;
    3. entertainment;
    4. laundry services;
    5. alcohol;
    6. change fees to facilitate activities not related to the purpose of the travel;
    7. expenses for personal travel and activities;
    8. taxi fares to locations that are not a part of work activities;
    9. hotel upgrades;
    10. personal air travel changes;
    11. non-approved TA charges; and
    12. other.

Trip Close Out

  1. Until a student’s current TA is closed, no additional travel will be approved unless it falls within a 10-day period. A trip report must be submitted with the TA to the appropriate department no greater than 10 business days after return from travel.
  2. If a student is traveling to Utqiagvik (Barrow) for a short-term class/training, a trip report is not required to be submitted .
  3. If a reimbursement is requested, a check request must be submitted by the responsible department with a closeout TA no greater than 10 business days after return to the office. It is the responsibility of the traveler to provide receipts that are in compliance with the current Business Office policy for travel.