Data Analysis


DATA 127: Presenting Data Effectively

Credits 2.0
This course uses computer applications and critical thinking skills to solve real world business problems. Students integrate the use of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and internet resources to manage data to solve problems. Upon completion, students should also be able to effectively use graphical tools to communicate insights about data. The course assumes prior successful experience with and knowledge of individual Microsoft Office computer applications programs.

DATA 140: Computer Spreadsheets

Credits 1.0 3.0
Use of spreadsheets as analysis and decision-making tools and their use in the business environment. Introduces fundamental, intermediate, and advanced spreadsheet concepts and operations and covers how to create, format, and revise spreadsheets, create graphs, as well as using a spreadsheet as a business analysis and decision-making tool. Offered in 1-credit modules.

DATA 180: Database Design Fundamentals

Credits 3.0
This course of introduces students to basic relational database concepts. The course teaches students relational database terminology, as well as data modeling concepts, building Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERDs), and mapping ERDs. Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler is utilized to build ERDs, and The Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to interact with a relational database and manipulate date within the database. Oracle Application Express is utilized to provide practical, hands-on, engaging activities. Leveraging project-based learning techniques, students will create and work with projects which challenge them to design, implement, and demonstrate a database solution for a business or organization.

DATA 227: Introduction to Programming

Credits 3.0
This course introduces students to the concepts of problem solving, code development, and code organization. Students learn how to: Define a problem, develop a solution, translate the solution into code, compile it, and run the program. Students learn to analyze existing algorithms and develop their own algorithms for solving applied problems. These concepts are taught using a contemporary programming language.