Independent Study

An independent study course is one taken outside of the regular classroom environment, either because the student is unable to register for a needed course or because the student’s program calls for an individual project. Some valid reasons for being unable to register are:

  • A course required for graduation is not offered when the student needs it.
  • An unforeseen change in the student’s job status or a medical emergency.

The maximum number of credits allowed under independent study within a program is ten. Independent study status must be properly documented and may begin only after approval by the Dean of Academic Affairs, department head, and instructor supervising the course. Both in regular courses and in individual project courses, the instructor specifies the requirements to be completed by the student. These requirements may include tests, term/research papers, and/or demonstration of skill activities. The regular grading system applies to all independent study except for attendance. Students taking a course through independent study must register for the specific course section in the regular manner.