

HIST 100: Modern World History

Credits 3.0
Significant aspects of modern world history from the 1700s to the present day. The course examines major global developments using an issues approach to address such aspects of the modern world as revolutionary change, interaction of peoples, ideology and the chronological background of significant historical events and processes.

HIST 115: Alaska, Land, and its People

Credits 3.0
A survey of Alaska from earliest days to the present, its peoples (Native and non-Native), and the social, economic, and political issues and prospects that concern Natives and non-Natives and the relationships between both groups. This course meets the initial teacher certification requirements of AS 14.20.20(h) and 4 AAC 12.075(b) of the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development, Office of Teacher Education and Certification, Approved Courses (for specific certification requirements, see http://www.eed.state.ak.us/TeacherCertification/).

HIST 131: U.S. History to 1865

Credits 3.0
U. S. History including the colonial period, revolution, formation of the constitution, western expansion, and the Civil War.

HIST 200: Native American History

Credits 3.0
A survey of the history of America with an emphasis on Native Americans from the 19th century to the present. Explores key historical, cultural, political, social, legal, economic, and spiritual elements concerning Native Americans and the interaction of Native and non-Native Americans.