Graduation Requirements

To earn a degree or certificate, students must satisfy general and program requirements as outlined in this catalog. Students must also earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a minimum grade of “C” in all program specialization requirements. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office the semester before they anticipate graduating to request a credit audit that will tell them if they are eligible for graduation.

Graduation Check (Credit Audit)

Upon request by the student, the student’s advisor or the Registrar’s Office will conduct a credit audit to determine the student’s progress toward graduation. They review courses completed, and grades earned to determine if program requirements have been met. It is ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure that they complete the total number of credits required for their degree.

Graduation with Honors

In order to graduate with honors, students must be graduating from a program that requires at least twelve credits for graduation and they must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher in all college work completed at Iḷisaġvik. Transfer students graduating with honors must complete twenty-four semester hours of residence credit for an associate degree. For all students, a GPA of 3.5 to 3.7 entitles the student to graduate “cum laude.” A GPA of 3.8 to 3.9 entitles the student to graduate “magna cum laude.” A 4.0 GPA entitles the student to graduate “summa cum laude.