Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average (GPA) is a weighted numerical average of grades earned. To compute the GPA, the total number of credits is divided into the total number of grade points earned per credit. Grade points are calculated by multiplying the number of grade points awarded, according to the chart below, by the number of credits for the course.

Note: Coursework applied to program core requirements must be completed with Grade C or higher.

The following grades are calculated in a student’s GPA:

Grade Grade Points / Credit
A 4.0
B 3.0
C 2.0
D 1.0
F 0.0

Grades of I, W, P, AU, EX, and TR have no grade points and do not affect the GPA.

Grades for all completed courses are included in student academic records. In cases where a course is repeated, only the most recent grade and credit for a course is computed in the GPA unless the course is a special topics or other course which may be repeated for credit. In cases where courses may be repeated for credit, all grades and credits are included in the GPA.


Students wishing to enroll in one or more courses without taking them for credit may register as auditors, providing space is available in the class. Auditors pay tuition and fees for the course, but the credits are not included in the computation of a study load for determining full-time/part- time or overload status.