Grade Changes

Iḷisaġvik College believes that instructors are best qualified to evaluate the progress and academic performance of students in their classes. Except for incomplete or deferred grades, all grades submitted by instructors at the completion of courses are assumed to be final grades. These grades become part of a student’s permanent academic record. A grade will not be changed unless the instructor has made a legitimate error in calculation. The Dean of Academic Affairs must approve all grade changes. A student must report the suspected grade error within a month into the next regular semester.

Grade Grievance Procedures

An instructor’s assessment and evaluation of the quality of a student’s work is not normally subject to review or modification. However, when a student believes that an assigned grade is unjust, was assigned arbitrarily or unfairly, or that crucial factors were not taken into consideration, the student may appeal the grade by following the procedure explained below.

Students are required to first meet with the instructor to discuss the disputed grade in an attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory resolution. The grade grievance procedure cannot go forward without a meeting and an initial review between the student and the instructor. Second, if the disputed grade is not resolved through the meeting, the student is required to submit complete written documentation to the Dean of Academic Affairs fully describing the grievance. This must be submitted to the Dean of Academic Affairs for review no later than the end of the second week of the semester following the semester in which the disputed grade was given. All pertinent exhibits must be attached, including written results of meetings between the student and instructor. Third, upon completion of the review, which includes an interview with the student and a written rebuttal by the instructor, the Dean of Academic Affairs will:

  • Uphold the grade as initially given; or
  • Reach an agreement with the instructor to change the grade. 

If the student disagrees with the decision of the Dean of Academic Affairs, he or she has ten (10) calendar days from the date of the decision to submit a written appeal to the Office of the President. The President may or may not choose to review the decision. The decision of the Dean of Academic Affairs will be effective during the appeal process. If the President issues no decision within ten (10) days, the appeal shall be denied. The decision rendered by the President is the final decision of the college.