Disciplinary Sanctions

The disciplinary sanctions the College may impose for violations of a College policy, including the Academic Code of Conduct and the Social Code of Conduct, are listed below. The seriousness and frequency of the conduct determines the level of discipline. The College is not required to impose a lesser level of discipline before imposing a greater level of discipline. The President or his/her designee, in consultation with the appropriate departmental director or Dean, will determine all disciplinary sanctions of suspension, expulsion, restitution, and termination of a housing contract using the disciplinary process set forth below. Notice of disciplinary sanctions will be given in writing within two (2) business days of the date the sanctions are imposed.

Level of Discipline

  • Verbal Warning: Oral notice to a student that a College policy has been violated. The Student Services will enter a written record of the verbal warning in the student’s education records within three (3) days of the occurrence. Students may review these records upon request. A student may submit a written note addressing the topic of a verbal warning for inclusion in their file.
  • Written Warning: Written notice to a student that a College policy has been violated. If the Academic Code of Conduct is violated, the Dean will forward a copy of the written warning to the Registrar’s Office for insertion into the student’s permanent file. A student may submit a written note addressing the topic of a written warning for inclusion in their file.
  • Temporary Suspension: Suspension from a class or activity for a period of time not to exceed ten (10) instructional days. Make-up work is at the discretion of each instructor.
  • Disciplinary Probation: Formal and specific conditions required for a student to continue participating in College programs and activities. An academic performance and/or behavioral contract may be required describing the conditions for continued participation.
  • Suspension: Suspension from the College for a period of time exceeding ten (10) instructional days. Make-up work is at the discretion of each instructor.
  • Expulsion: Dismissal from the College and all of its programs, functions and activities for a period of time to be determined by the President.
  • Termination of housing contract or ineligibility for student housing: Suspension from student housing for a specified length of time.
  • Restitution: A requirement that the student pay for financial loss caused by the student’s misconduct. This may be a condition of a student’s return to the College or for continued enrollment.