Disciplinary Process

Students have the right to due process in disciplinary proceedings. Due process includes an opportunity to find out the College’s grounds for proposed discipline and to present the student’s side of the story.

College administration may institute disciplinary proceedings. In addition, any College administrator, student, faculty member or staff member may file a complaint against a student for violations of a College policy, including the Code of Academic Conduct and the Code of Social Conduct, to initiate disciplinary proceedings. The administration’s notice of discipline and each complaint must be signed, set forth in sufficient detail the conduct of the student, and set forth the policy, rule, or code section the conduct allegedly violates.

Complaints alleging violations of the Code of Academic Conduct and Intervention Group disciplinary recommendations related to academic concerns shall be filed with the Dean of Academic Affairs and the student’s advisor. Complaints alleging violations of the Code of Social Conduct and Intervention Group disciplinary recommendations related to non-academic concerns shall be filed with the Dean of Students and the student’s advisor. In case of a conflict of interest, the appropriate Dean will designate an alternative party for purposes of handling the matter.

If the Dean finds that the student’s conduct could result in suspension (in excess of 10 instructional days), expulsion, termination of a housing contract, or restitution, the administration’s notice of discipline shall inform the student of the right to a due process hearing on the matter. The student may request a due process hearing by submitting the request in writing to the Dean using the procedures set forth below. Time limits for scheduling of hearings may be extended at the discretion of the President or designee.