Declaration and Change of Program

If a student who has been formally admitted to a program wishes to transfer from one program to another, he or she may do so by filing a Change-Add Program Form with the Registrar’s Office. This form may be obtained from the Registrar or downloaded from the Iḷisaġvik website. Students must meet the specific admissions requirements of their new program.

Acceptance into the new program is on a space available basis and, when accepted, students will be assigned an advisor from that program. Students are advised to contact the faculty advisor for the new program at the earliest opportunity for further information about the program’s special requirements and for guidance in selecting appropriate preparatory classes.

Requirements for Second Degree 

To receive a second Associate of Arts, Associate of Science or Associate of Applied Science degree, students must earn at least 12 credit hours beyond the first degree and complete all requirements for the second degree program. Students may pursue additional degrees as long as they have formally applied and been accepted to each program. 

Continuing Enrollment 

Students who drop their enrollment at IỊisaġvik for a period greater than two consecutive semesters will be required to reapply to the college for admission. They will be expected to meet admission requirements in existence at the time of readmission. 

Changing Study Plans Within a Program 

The Study Plan is a tool the College shares with students to help them identify the areas of credit they still need in order to complete an endorsement, certificate, or degree. Individual programs may revise their course or credit requirements periodically, and Study Plans are updated accordingly. If the student’s time to graduation can be expedited, the advisor may decide to adopt the most recent plan, understanding that all requirements of the new plan must be met. Conversely, if the advisor decides not to switch the student to an updated Study Plan, the student must fulfill the requirements of the Plan he/she falls under at the time of admission/re-admission to the program.