Academic Standing

Good Standing

Students are in good academic standing if their most recent cumulative GPA is 2.0 or better. Students admitted to programs must also make satisfactory progress toward their certificates and/or degrees by completing 67% of courses in which they are enrolled. During their first semester, students are presumed to be in academic good standing. Final grades are issued at the end of each term.

Honors Lists

Academic honors are awarded to students with outstanding GPAs. Full-time, program-active students who have completed at least twelve credits graded with letter grades, and part-time students who have completed at least six credits graded with letter grades, may be eligible for academic honors at the end of each semester. Academic honors are recorded on permanent records. Students with outstanding GPAs are eligible for the President’s, Dean’s or Registrar’s lists as follows:

  • President’s List - Semester GPA of 4.0 (full-time, program-active students taking twelve plus letter- graded credits)
  • Dean’s List - Semester GPA of 3.5 or higher, but less than 4.0 (full-time, program active students taking twelve plus letter-graded credits)
  • Registrar’s List - Semester GPA of 3.5 or higher (part- time students taking six to eleven letter-graded credits)

Unsatisfactory Progress Report

If, during a course, a student begins to perform below “C” work, the instructor will issue an unsatisfactory progress report. Copies of the reports are sent to student advocates, advisors, and student services for students living in residential housing. It is the student’s responsibility to keep informed of his/her own performance in a course.


Degree and certificate seeking students or students receiving financial aid who fail to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and/or fail to complete at least 67% of the courses in which they are enrolled, will be placed on academic probation. All students on academic probation will be required to meet with their academic advisor who will help them to make a plan to improve their grades. Students are removed from probation once they complete a semester in good academic standing. Students on probation can still receive Financial Aid.

Academic Disqualification

Degree and certificate seeking students or students receiving financial aid who fail to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA for two semesters in a row and/or fail to complete at least 67% of the courses in which they are enrolled, will be placed on academic disqualification. They may continue to enroll in classes taking up to six (6) credits as non-degree or certificate seeking students but will be ineligible for most types of financial aid. Academic disqualification status is recorded on students’ transcripts.

Returning from Academic Disqualification

Students may reapply for admission having been placed on Academic Disqualification. If readmitted, returning students will be on academic probation the first semester of their return. This status is recorded on students’ transcripts. Students will be allowed to take a maximum of six credits to assist them in regaining good academic standing.

Extended Probation

Extended probation may be used to keep a student in college while the student is working to get back into good academic standing. The approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs is required for all extended probation cases.

Administrative Expulsion

Administrative expulsion occurs when a student is expelled from the college (or student housing) by the College President due to a violation of college policies, rules, or regulations. Reentry requires the approval of the College President.

Academic Petitions

Deviations from academic requirements and regulations must be approved by academic petition. Students may choose to petition for many reasons, including, but not limited to:

  • Exceptions to degree requirements
  • Extension of deadlines for incomplete "I" grades,
  • Credit by examination
  • General exceptions to the academic rules and regulations outlines in this catalog

Before petitioning, a student should consult with an advisor or faculty member on the issue in question. Petition forms are available at the Registrar’s Office and must have all required approvals before submission