Academic Planning and Advising

Upon admission, a student is assigned a faculty advisor in his/her field of interest. Faculty advisors work with students to help select the best coursework to fulfill their program requirements. The Student Success Center staff is also available to provide other assistance to students, especially students new to the college. Faculty advise all students who have been accepted for admission to the college and dual enrollment high school students. Upon acceptance into a program, the Admissions Office sends a letter that lists the student’s advisor.

Students are required to meet with their advisors before each semester to plan the class schedule that will best fulfill their program requirements. Students should discuss their course selections with their advisor to determine the best options, alternatives, and sequences of classes to take. All students who have declared a field of study are required to have their advisor’s signature on their registration form prior to registering for courses.

Students who have not declared a field of study will also be assigned a faculty advisor. Any student who has accumulated fifteen or more credits is strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor to discuss their program options.