Academic Freedom

Integral to its mission and values, Iḷisaġvik College supports the concept of academic freedom to ensure the excellence of the College’s instructional programs. Iḷisaġvik recognizes the right of each individual faculty member to exercise considerable freedom in the application of their professional expertise in the classroom. Instructors may present course materials that are controversial or uncomfortable. While students are not expected to change their own personal opinions or beliefs, they are required to complete all assignments and activities related to the course. The principle of academic freedom is to foster open minds, creative imaginations, adventurous spirits, and a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism within the Iḷisaġvik community.

Iḷisaġvik adheres to the principles of academic freedom and independence that protect its students, staff, and faculty from inappropriate influences, pressures, and harassment that impact the integrity of the College’s learning environment. At Iḷisaġvik, freedom of speech and expression is not absolute: verbal and written speech that is libelous, slanderous, incites to riot, or is unlawfully harassing is not protected.

In affirming the principles of academic freedom and free expression, Iḷisaġvik recognizes that our faculty, staff, and students are subject to applicable state and federal laws. In addition, faculty and staff must adhere to Iḷisaġvik’s employee policies, and students must adhere to the Student Handbook, which shall be consistent with this statement and the principles expressed herein.